Complete set consisting of 2 pieces Olympus C-7070 digital camera and 1 UW aluminum housing Patima 7070 inl. TTL Flash Adapter M. Heinrichs Oly TTL C3
A camera is in good condition, has scratches at the top of the housing and the shutter release, in the places where the camera in the underwater housing is guided past the trigger mechanisms of the UW housing. Otherwise no defects. Second camera (replacement camera so far without UW use) is as good as new without signs of use and has not yet been used in the UW housing. Displays of the cameras have been provided with protective film since the first use. Batteries of the cameras would have to be checked and ev. be replaced (had not had the things in use for a long time).
Underwater housing is in good condition. No scratches on the port but discoloration on the aluminum and scratches on the plexiglass on the back (can be polished).
Have attached a plug between flash socket (Nikonos 5pin spring) and hot shoe in the underwater housing, so that both the M. Heinrichs TTL adapter (had an Inon D-2000 with it in use) and the normal hotshoe can be used.
Equipment is in technically perfect working condition and had no water intrusion.
Everything in the original scope of delivery with original packaging (incl. software, operating instructions, replacement O-ring for housing, etc.). Description for the assembly of the Patima housing in the original in Japanese/Korean/English with pictures. At that time original price of all parts EUR 2900.-EUR, to self-collector or shipping according to effort